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This event will highlight cities that are using natural infrastructure to increase their adaptive capacity to climate change while promoting social equity outcomes. While nature-based solutions often have the primary goals of increasing urban resilience through contributing to stormwater management, water security, and flood control, they also can play a critical role in promoting social equity and increasing social cohesion throughout every stage of their implementation.
As city leaders globally are faced with increasing stressors due to climate change, it is important that adaptive solutions can be leveraged to promote equitable social outcomes and protect vulnerable populations. This event will demonstrate examples of how natural infrastructure solutions are uniquely positioned to deliver benefits across sectors, including social equity.
With representation from three continents, the event will highlight the diversity of city-led projects. Together, these city leaders will show the power of municipal action to meet local needs in the face of climate change. Convened by The Cities4Forests initiative — a coalition of 60+ cities involving mayors’ offices and supported by other sub-national agencies such as water utilities — and the Global Commission on Adaptation, this event will unite efforts to show how these cities’ success stories can be shared, replicated, and scaled.
- Andrea Hurtado Epstein, Coordinator for Sustainable Development, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Mexico
- Honorable Mayor Yvonne Aki-Sawyerr, Mayor, Freetown, Sierra Leone
- Rafael Obregon, Director of Environmentally Protected Areas, Secretary of Environment Division, Mexico City, Mexico
- Marc Cammarata, Deputy Water Commissioner, Planning, Philadelphia Water Department
- Ruiz Torres Ilsa Elia, Head of External Affairs and Administration, Fundación FEMSA
- Moderator, Todd Gartner, Director, Cities4Forests And Natural Infrastructure Initiative, Water Program, WRI