Founded in 2016, Ecosystem Restoration Camps is a growing member-based organization of ecosystem restoration sites (“camps”) who work with local and international volunteers to implement restoration activities in more than 19 countries around the world. The number of sites is growing every year.
ERC aims to have at least 100 sites operational during this decade. They currently have a global base of more than 900 individual members who exchange information on restoration projects and methodologies, and who learn about restoration through the experiences of ERC sites and through educational materials and courses developed with partner organizations. The aim is to have 1 million people undergo a transformative experience at an ecosystem restoration camp.
In Latin America, ERC coordinates with partner sites in Mexico, Bolivia, Brazil, Peru, Colombia, and Guatemala, with more camps joining every month. In line with the Initiative 20x20 approach, these camps address restoration from a productive perspective – seeking ways to restore ecosystem function while also improving the productivity of the site.
This includes diverse restoration approaches through regenerative agriculture, restoration of degraded pastureland, agroecology, agroforestry, drylands management, indigenous and intergenerational knowledge, permaculture, conservation agriculture, and more.
ERC's activities in the region also include one-time restoration events with volunteer participation, digital and in-person courses on restoration site design, and long-term restoration activities on private lands that can serve as sites of applied learning and research.
As a technical partner, ERC looks forward to sharing its knowledge and experience on best practices and monitoring alongside other Initiative 20x20 members. They also hope to share relevant information and opportunities from Initiative 20x20 with their partners in Latin America to build connections and alignment between their local efforts and national and regional restoration processes.