Established in 2002, Reforestamos Mexico is an NGO whose mission is to safeguard the forests and jungles that Mexico needs for its sustainable development. Reforestamos aligns actions that contribute the efforts of forest communities, the private sector, government and other NGO’s to promote the competitive management of forests and a culture of responsible entrepreneurship. Reforestamos also encourages responsible innovation to stop deforestation and promote the restoration of degraded lands.
Reforestamos has been recognized as an organization with an optimal degree of Institutional Development and Transparency by the Mexican Center for Philanthropy (CEMEFI). In 2009, it received the National Award for Forestry Merit from the National Forestry Commission. In 2013, it was recognized as one of the 100 most innovative organizations by the Rockefeller Foundation, and it also received Consultative Status in the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations (ECOSOC).

The organization works across 11 states of Mexico through more than 10 initiatives including: “Community Enterprise Development”, “Better Alliances for Better Forests”, “Young Forest Entrepreneurs”, “Forest Legality Alliance”, “Mexican Alliance for Biodiversity” and “Productive Landscape Restoration” among others.
Through the Productive Landscape Restoration initiative, we work to restore degraded areas by performing long-term management practices and productive techniques that allow ecosystem functions to reestablish themselves so they become economically viable, socially just and locally sustainable.
Reforestamos supports the Initiative’s objectives through several activities, which include developing public policy analysis to align and accomplish Mexico´s restoration goals; promoting a landscape restoration approach; strengthening the forest entrepreneurial ecosystem; promoting innovation in the forest engineering sector; raising awareness inin the private sector and by implementing restoration activities in the field. Our activities include work in the Yucatan Peninsula, where, in partnership with IUCN and Pronatura Yucatan Peninsula, we developed an economic-financial strategy to promote public-private-community partnerships for landscape restoration.
More recently, Reforestamos started a collaboration with IUCN to support the implementation process of the Collaboration Agreement between the Secretariat of Agriculture, Livestock, Rural Development, Fisheries and Food (SAGARPA) and the National Forestry Commission (CONAFOR).
The main objective of this project is to promote sustainable rural development in the country through the articulation of agricultural and forestry incentives, the promotion of agroforestry systems, reforestation of degraded areas and the integral management of hydrological basins under the framework of national objectives and REDD+. In parallel, we have also proposed an initiative in the Mexican Senate to reform the Law on Sustainable Rural Development, with the aim of incorporating the concept of productive restoration.