Task Force on Monitoring and Transparency
The task force on monitoring and transparency seeks to inform and provide technical assistance to country officials and private sector stakeholders on monitoring forest and landscape restoration. It also seeks to provide inputs for national and sub-national restoration programs to develop and execute scientifically sound, cost-effective and sustainable systems to monitor restoration interventions, per their needs and objectives.
Research activities
The task force on monitoring and transparency conducts research aimed at providing answers to the following questions:
What is the state of the art for monitoring restoration in the landscape, focusing primarily on ease of use, coverage, costs, and efficiency and including remote sensing, on the ground systems, and modeling tools?
What are the current and potential use of indicators that could be helpful in providing yardsticks for the restoration processes?
What are emerging technologies for monitoring restoration?
Is there a minimum set of common denominators that a multi-scale monitoring effort should include, in terms of simplicity, coverage and costs? What are those?
Active Members
- Abner Jimenez (GIZ - El Salvador)
- Adison Altamirano (Universidad de La Frontera, y FIRE-Chile)
- Andreas Schnall (FORLIANCE)
- Antonio Calle (FORLIANCE)
- Bernal Herrera Fernández (Fundecor)
- Carla Ramirez (FAO)
- Carolina Gallo Granizo (FAO)
- Constan Amurrio (Vielca)
- David Morales-Hidalgo (FAO)
- Elliott Powell (Sustainable Harvest)
- Emma Flores (GIZ - El Salvador)
- Erin Beasley (Ecosystem Restoration Camps)
- Johanna Avila Vargas (Fucore)
- Kahlil Baker (Taking Root)
- Karol Fonseca Mendez (Fucore)
- Linda Rohnstock (OroVerde - Fundación del Bosque Tropical)
- Lizeth Morante (AIDER)
- Luciana Alves (WRI Brasil)
- Lucio Santos (FAO)
- María Franco Chuaire (WRI)
- Marioldy Sanchez (AIDER)
- Martin Beaudoin Nadeau (Viridis Terra)
- Mary Ruckelshaus (The Natural Capital Project)
- Mateo Cariño Fraisse (Preferred by Nature)
- Mayra Milkovic (Fundacion Vida Silvestre Argentina)
- Miguel Cifuentes Jara (CATIE)
- Natalie Rodriguez Dowdell (Rare)
- Rene Castro (FAO)
- Roger Villalobos (CATIE)
- Ruth Metzel (Conservation International)
- Starry Sprenkle-Hyppolite (Conservation International)
- Tania Ammour (IUCN)
- Tatiana Pequeño Saco (CIMA - Cordillera Azul)
- Tom Bewick (Rainforest Foudnation US)
- Trevor Walter (WWF)
Hernan Zaldivar, Preferred by Nature, hzaldivar@preferredbynature.org
Lou Verchot, Director of Forest and Environment Research, CIAT, l.verchot@cgiar.org
Rene Zamora, WRI, rene.zamora@wri.org