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Forests hold great value for Latin America and the Caribbean. They help maintain lower soil temperatures and prevent loss of soil moisture, improve water quality, store carbon and house nearly half of the world’s terrestrial species. However, failure to account for these benefits has led to rapid deforestation and degradation.
Carbon concessions are one tool that should be explored to monetize their value: through this method, profit no longer comes from logging or timber production, but rather from maintaining and improving carbon stocks. And under current international carbon market conditions, the potential revenues for national governments and local communities could very well exceed those derived from logging today.
Join the Initiative 20x20 Carbon Task Force to explore the potential of carbon concessions to displace logging and protect standing forests. Initiative 20x20 partner Green Gold Forestry Peru will be sharing experiences pioneering a project in Peru.
The event will be in English with live interpretation in Spanish and Portuguese. A preliminary agenda is available here.
- Pina Gervassi, Climate Director, Forest Stewardship Council; co-lead of Carbon Task Force, Initiative 20x20
- Stuart Clenaghan, Co-Founder, Green Gold Forestry SA
- Gareth Hughes, Co-Founder and CEO, Green Gold Forestry SA
- Gabriel Quijandría, Regional Director for South America at IUCN and Former Minister of Environment, Peru
- Walter Vergara, Senior Fellow and Director, Initiative 20x20, WRI