Daniel Pinillos, René Poccard-Chapuis, Felix J.J.A... May 2021
Landholders’ perceptions on legal reserves and agricultural intensification: Diversity and implications for forest conservation in the eastern Brazilian Amazon
This study analyzed the views of medium and large landholders on Legal Reserves and their relation to agricultural intensification in the municipality of Paragominas, eastern Amazon. Since Brazillian Legal Reserves have major implications for forest conservation and agricultural production, it is key that we understand landholders’ perceptions towards them.
René Zamora-Cristales, Marie Andrée Liere, Ebal Ab... November 2020
Priorización y optimización económica de los incentivos públicos para la restauración de bosques riparios
El presente artículo tiene como objetivo proponer un marco de referencia para la optimización económica en la priorización y asignación de los incentivos forestales de la Ley de fomento al establecimiento, recuperación, restauración, manejo, producción y protección de bosques de Guatemala—PROBOSQUE—para la restauración de bosques riparios.
Daniella Schweizer, Marijke van Kuijk, Jaboury Gha... March 2021
Perceptions from non-governmental actors on forest and landscape restoration, challenges and strategies for successful implementation across Asia, Africa and Latin America
Gathering the perceptions of actors within non-governmental organizations engaged in Forest and Landscape Restoration across countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America about what FLR is and their perceived challenges and strategies for implementation.
Ministerio de Ambiente, Panamá... October 2020
Programa Nacional Restauración Forestal 2020, Ministerio de Ambiente, Panamá
El Programa Nacional de Reforestación con énfasis en cuencas productoras de agua
Manuel Acevedo, Carolina Álvarez-Maldini, R. Kaste... January 2021
Native Plant Production in Chile. Is It Possible to Achieve Restoration Goals by 2035?
Facing rapid loss of biodiversity as a consequence of climate change, Chile has formally pledged to restore 600,000 ha of native forest by 2035. This effort, however, has not considered the amount and quality of native plants required to meet this pledge. Thus, we examined data collected during the annual, government-conducted census of small- and medium-sized nurseries from central Chile, which account for 78% of the nation’s total plant production, to assess if current production is sufficient to meet Chile´s restoration needs. We coupled this with data collected during our series of ongoing research projects to determine if nurseries are currently meeting minimum seedling quality standards based on morpho-physiological attributes. Our four-year analysis (2016–2019) shows that the number of native seedlings has increased by only 4%, but because only 19% of nursery managers have training, just 29% of all seedlings meet quality criteria for restoration. Thus, under the current rate and quality of plant production, meeting restoration pledges desired by the year 2035 would not be achieved until 2181. This timeline can be accelerated through an urgent expansion of nursery space, implementation of a continuous program for technology and knowledge transference, and strong support through governmental policies. 
FAO... October 2020
Restoring the Earth - The next decade
Restoring the Earth - The next decade
Patricia Quijano Vallejos, Peter Veit, Pedro Tipul... October 2020
Undermining Rights: Indigenous Lands and Mining in the Amazon
Undermining Rights: Indigenous Lands and Mining in the Amazon
Z. Carter Berry et al.... September 2020
Evaluating ecosystem service trade-offs along a land-use intensification gradient in central Veracruz, Mexico
Evaluating ecosystem service trade-offs along a land-use intensification gradient in central Veracruz, Mexico
Douglas Sheil & Aida Bargués Tobella... September 2020
More trees for more water in drylands: myths and opportunities
The restoration of tree cover influences water availability. Many people — some experts, too — believe incorrectly that greater tree cover has an invariably negative impact on local water availability. Where do these beliefs come from?
Andriana S. Miljanic, Xingwen Loy, David L. Gruene... August 2020
Bee communities in forestry production landscapes: interactive effects of local-level management and landscape context
Bee communities in forestry production landscapes: interactive effects of local-level management and landscape context
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