The Foundation for Conservation and Sustainable Development (FCDS) is a non-governmental organization in Colombia that aims to promote the integrated land management. As part of Initiative 20x20, FCDS will bring its extensive experience implementing more than 15 projects throughout the country.
Specifically, it has worked with partners to lessen the environmental impact of roads on the Amazon forest, help build community forests and ecotourism projects that benefit local people, and expand and monitor threats to national parks and protected areas like Chiribiquete.
Media contact:
Harold Andres Ospino Burgos, Technical Deputy Director
The Foundation for Conservation and Sustainable Development (FCDS) is a non-governmental organization in Colombia that aims to promote the integrated land management. As part of Initiative 20x20, FCDS will bring its extensive experience implementing more than 15 projects throughout the country.
Specifically, it has worked with partners to lessen the environmental impact of roads on the Amazon forest, help build community forests and ecotourism projects that benefit local people, and expand and monitor threats to national parks and protected areas like Chiribiquete.