The Red Latinoamericana de Inversión Social y Filantropía Estratégica (also know as Latimpacto) is a network that belongs to a global community committed to unlocking capital towards impact. It pairs together with its sister networks in Europe (EVPA), Asia (AVPN) and Africa (AVPA). Latimpacto was created in 2021 after two years of extensive due diligence in the region. Since then, together with over 150 members, the network has effectively mobilized capital in Latin America to generate impact more strategically, orchestrating partnerships and collaborations and improving knowledge in three axes: innovative finances, non-financial support, and impact measurement.
As a technical partner, Latimpacto looks forward to sharing its knowledge and experience, bringing more actors to understand and participate in land restoration practices and promoting innovative financial mechanisms that can kickstart, scale or push forward projects with a high potential for positive impact at both environmental and social levels. Latimpacto is looking forward to participating actively in the 20x20 Task Forces around biodiversity and investment ecosystem, which is the area where its greatest strength is.
The Red Latinoamericana de Inversión Social y Filantropía Estratégica (also know as Latimpacto) is a network that belongs to a global community committed to unlocking capital towards impact. It pairs together with its sister networks in Europe (EVPA), Asia (AVPN) and Africa (AVPA). Latimpacto was created in 2021 after two years of extensive due diligence in the region. Since then, together with over 150 members, the network has effectively mobilized capital in Latin America to generate impact more strategically, orchestrating partnerships and collaborations and improving knowledge in three axes: innovative finances, non-financial support, and impact measurement.
As a technical partner, Latimpacto looks forward to sharing its knowledge and experience, bringing more actors to understand and participate in land restoration practices and promoting innovative financial mechanisms that can kickstart, scale or push forward projects with a high potential for positive impact at both environmental and social levels. Latimpacto is looking forward to participating actively in the 20x20 Task Forces around biodiversity and investment ecosystem, which is the area where its greatest strength is.