Germany and Latin America-based 12Tree Finance GmbH is an investment advisor to institutional investors and an experienced project operator dedicated to large-scale sustainable agroforestry plantations with high social and environmental benefits. 12Tree pays particular attention to sustainability, ecology, and value-sharing with local communities, while achieving attractive financial returns for its investors through the production of high-quality timber and agricultural goods. 12Tree Finance is focused on sustainable reforestation of degraded land, on converting monoculture plantations with low biodiversity value to mostly indigenous mixed species forests, sustainable agroforestry systems for crops like cocoa, and achieving long term social impact in the respective communities of action.
Through its SAF (Sustainable Agroforestry Fund for Latin America), 12Tree will invest in or commit to projects up to $200m through 2020. Through its normal segregated accounts, 12Tree is expecting to invest or commit at least the same amount during that time, bringing its total commitment to $400m.
12Tree can leverage 20 years of operational experience in particular along the entire value chain of timber and fine flavor cocoa production. Since its inception in 2017 it has already made investments in 12 projects in 6 countries in Central and South America worth more than $200 million, covering a total project area of 17,000 ha and created over 600 jobs.

12Tree has a long-term objective to create as much permanent biodiverse forest and agroforest area as possible and to develop and secure valuable ecosystems. 12Tree invests in reforestation and afforestation, the development of new agricultural production and processing as well as the improvement of yields and quality in established agricultural production. So far 12Tree has invested into teak, acacia, native hardwoods, cocoa, coffee, bananas and coconut palm plantations, typically intercropped with a number of different shade crops in sustainable agroforestry systems that are implementing latest agricultural practices and technology to achieve outstanding yields and product prices for its investors.
12Tree received Initiative 20x20's Project Award at the 2019 Annual Meeting of Partners in recognition of its outstanding work.
For more information about 12Tree's innovative sustainable investment approach, click here.
Investing in high-quality cocoa in Panama
Building a sustainable farm and preserving natural forests in Guatemala
Transforming cocoa in Ecuador through precision farming
Creating a business model for sustainable native timber in Panama
Growing sustainable cocoa in Colombia's coal country
Growing high-value cocoa in Ecuador for the world's top chocolate makers
Dominican Republic
Costa Rica