FORLIANCE has been an advocate of sustainable land use for more than 20 years. The company initiated, financed, developed and managed over 100 nature-based climate protection projects worldwide, including over 60 in Latin America and the Caribbean.
The FORLIANCE experts believes in the power of alliances. Together with international clients and partners, the multidisciplinary team strives to create intact forests and ecosystems that positively impact our climate, biodiversity and human well-being.
From ground to cloud, FORLIANCE will offer the following areas of expertise to Initiative 20x20 partners:
Corporate Climate Action Advisory: FORLIANCE develops climate action strategies for corporates to help them achieve their net zero carbon targets. Next to advising on emission reduction measures, offsetting unavoidable greenhouse gases through high quality nature-based climate projects can be part of the strategy.
Technical Service Provider: FORLIANCE advises on certification processes and supports on MRV and project modelling through geo-digital solutions. The team members are experts in financial planning and business development.
Technical Asset Manager: FORLIANCE manages many high-quality projects, including a field operation in the Dominican Republic. This large-scale agroforestry project of fine flavor cocoa is being prepared for UTZ and Gold Standard certification
Colombia (2015-19)
Gold Standard Group Certification for Vichada Climate Reforestation Project
• Development of coherent forestry and conservation concept
• Training on MRV and certification processes
• GIS mapping and creation of interactive maps
• Management and sale of carbon credits
Colombia (2020-25)
Strategic ecosystems and biodiversity in the Pacific and Caribbean region
• Design and implementation of ecosystem adaptation measures
• Improving information systems as well as designing and implementing MRV methodology for marine-coastal and terrestrial ecosystems
• Baseline and a proposed strategy for the mitigation potential of seagrass
Dominican Republic (2016-present)
Management of large-scale cocoa project with mechanized cultivation
• Design, implementation and full-time general management of 800 ha plantation
• Land use assessment, monitoring and optimization
• Recruitment and training of the local workforce
• Post-harvest procedures and commercialization for cocoa
Ecuador (2019-20)
Fostering financial sustainability of governmental conservation project
• Analysis and creation of a catalog of solutions to ensure financial sustainability
• Review of legal, political and institutional frameworks for implementing solutions
• Marketing strategy to sustain current funding and attract new private investors
Ecuador (2019-20)
Strengthening the financial sustainability of water funds
• Analysis and creation of a solutions portfolio to ensure financial sustainability
• Training proposal to improve management, implementation and monitoring of the funds
• Report on how to fundraise for viable solutions
Guatemala (2017-20)
Technical consultant to the government for its national REDD+ strategy
• Strengthening stakeholder engagement
• Linking national strategy to policy and national planning framework
• Monitoring, reporting and verification at the sub-national level
• Administration and supervision
Haiti and Dominican Republic (2020-22)
Biodiversity conversation and resilient livelihoods in coastal areas
• Ecosystem-based adaptation for biodiversity, tourism, fishing and infrastructure
• Development of financial instruments for implementing the actions
• Design of MRV software to measure the net loss of biodiversity and socio-economic parameters
• Establishment of a community platform for communication and technical training
Latin America 2018
Business model for the forestry sector on behalf of development bank CAF
• Research on the current situation
• In-depth interviews with representatives of public and private sector
• Forest market characterization, prognosis and assessment of national/international programs and frameworks
Panama (2008-present)
Triple certification of sustainable, climate-friendly cocoa plantations
• Gold Standard, FSC and UTZ certification of “CO2OL Tropical Mix“ project
• Integration of agroforestry and conservation management approaches
• GIS Mapping and development of interactive map applications
• Development of carbon calculation methodologies for cocoa
Peru (2016-18)
Advisory for financing National Appropriate Mitigation Actions (NAMA) of coffee activities through the private sector
• Evaluation of the coffee value chain as well as the political and legal framework
• Evaluation of governmental programs to co-finance smallholder agricultural investments
• Determination of strategies for strengthening the microfinance sector
• Development of financial products suitable for international climate finance to leverage private and public financial resources
Uruguay (2020-present)
Carbon project analysis of a citrus plantation
• Feasibility study including information on the carbon sequestration potential, certification costs and recommendations in regards to carbon certification standards
• Estimation of greenhouse gas emissions caused on farm level
Uruguay Peru Panama Guatemala Ecuador Dominican Republic Colombia
Media contact:
Veronika Wendt, Director of International Operations,
Website: has been an advocate of sustainable land use for more than 20 years. The company initiated, financed, developed and managed over 100 nature-based climate protection projects worldwide, including over 60 in Latin America and the Caribbean.
The FORLIANCE experts believes in the power of alliances. Together with international clients and partners, the multidisciplinary team strives to create intact forests and ecosystems that positively impact our climate, biodiversity and human well-being.
From ground to cloud, FORLIANCE will offer the following areas of expertise to Initiative 20x20 partners:
Corporate Climate Action Advisory: FORLIANCE develops climate action strategies for corporates to help them achieve their net zero carbon targets. Next to advising on emission reduction measures, offsetting unavoidable greenhouse gases through high quality nature-based climate projects can be part of the strategy.
Technical Service Provider: FORLIANCE advises on certification processes and supports on MRV and project modelling through geo-digital solutions. The team members are experts in financial planning and business development.
Technical Asset Manager: FORLIANCE manages many high-quality projects, including a field operation in the Dominican Republic. This large-scale agroforestry project of fine flavor cocoa is being prepared for UTZ and Gold Standard certification
Colombia (2015-19)
Gold Standard Group Certification for Vichada Climate Reforestation Project
• Development of coherent forestry and conservation concept
• Training on MRV and certification processes
• GIS mapping and creation of interactive maps
• Management and sale of carbon credits
Colombia (2020-25)
Strategic ecosystems and biodiversity in the Pacific and Caribbean region
• Design and implementation of ecosystem adaptation measures
• Improving information systems as well as designing and implementing MRV methodology for marine-coastal and terrestrial ecosystems
• Baseline and a proposed strategy for the mitigation potential of seagrass
Dominican Republic (2016-present)
Management of large-scale cocoa project with mechanized cultivation
• Design, implementation and full-time general management of 800 ha plantation
• Land use assessment, monitoring and optimization
• Recruitment and training of the local workforce
• Post-harvest procedures and commercialization for cocoa
Ecuador (2019-20)
Fostering financial sustainability of governmental conservation project
• Analysis and creation of a catalog of solutions to ensure financial sustainability
• Review of legal, political and institutional frameworks for implementing solutions
• Marketing strategy to sustain current funding and attract new private investors
Ecuador (2019-20)
Strengthening the financial sustainability of water funds
• Analysis and creation of a solutions portfolio to ensure financial sustainability
• Training proposal to improve management, implementation and monitoring of the funds
• Report on how to fundraise for viable solutions
Guatemala (2017-20)
Technical consultant to the government for its national REDD+ strategy
• Strengthening stakeholder engagement
• Linking national strategy to policy and national planning framework
• Monitoring, reporting and verification at the sub-national level
• Administration and supervision
Haiti and Dominican Republic (2020-22)
Biodiversity conversation and resilient livelihoods in coastal areas
• Ecosystem-based adaptation for biodiversity, tourism, fishing and infrastructure
• Development of financial instruments for implementing the actions
• Design of MRV software to measure the net loss of biodiversity and socio-economic parameters
• Establishment of a community platform for communication and technical training
Latin America 2018
Business model for the forestry sector on behalf of development bank CAF
• Research on the current situation
• In-depth interviews with representatives of public and private sector
• Forest market characterization, prognosis and assessment of national/international programs and frameworks
Panama (2008-present)
Triple certification of sustainable, climate-friendly cocoa plantations
• Gold Standard, FSC and UTZ certification of “CO2OL Tropical Mix“ project
• Integration of agroforestry and conservation management approaches
• GIS Mapping and development of interactive map applications
• Development of carbon calculation methodologies for cocoa
Peru (2016-18)
Advisory for financing National Appropriate Mitigation Actions (NAMA) of coffee activities through the private sector
• Evaluation of the coffee value chain as well as the political and legal framework
• Evaluation of governmental programs to co-finance smallholder agricultural investments
• Determination of strategies for strengthening the microfinance sector
• Development of financial products suitable for international climate finance to leverage private and public financial resources
Uruguay (2020-present)
Carbon project analysis of a citrus plantation
• Feasibility study including information on the carbon sequestration potential, certification costs and recommendations in regards to carbon certification standards
• Estimation of greenhouse gas emissions caused on farm level