Thlago Chagas, Hilda Galt, Charlotte Streck, Donna... August 2020
A close look at the quality of REDD+ carbon credits
A close look at the quality of REDD+ carbon credits
Thais Vilela, José Carlos Rubio Ayllón, Anita Juli... February 2018
El impacto económico local del turismo en áreas protegidas del Perú
El Sistema Nacional de Áreas Naturales Protegidas por el Estado (SINANPE) del Perú no solo protegen el patrimonio natural del país, sino también contribuyen al desarrollo económico local. Este documento de Conservation Strategy Fund y Andes Amazon Fund resume los resultados de un estudio acerca de una de estas contribuciones - el turismo sostenible. Se encontró que el efecto económico local directo producto del turismo dentro del sistema nacional de ANP fue de S/ 2,340 millones (US$ 723 millones) en el 2017. Esta cifra es 40 veces más de lo que gasta el Estado actualmente en mantener el sistema. Además, el turismo en ANP generó más de 36,000 empleos en las localidades y ciudades circundantes.
Sara Löfqvist and Jaboury Ghazoul | Nature... November 2019
Private funding is essential to leverage forest and landscape restoration at global scales
Private-sector capital is needed to scale-up forest and landscape restoration initiatives globally. To ensure the delivery of social and environmental restoration objectives, investors need to be matched appropriately to different types of restoration projects, while policies need to realign investment incentives away from degradation-driving activities.
Duncan Gromko, Till Pistorius, Matthias Seebauer, ... October 2019
Economics of Forest Landscape Restoration: Estimating impacts, costs and benefits from ecosystem services
Building off of IUCN and WRI's Restoration Opportunities Assessment Methodology (ROAM), Unique Forestry and Land use has developed an easily applicable, customizable economic framework to evaluate the costs, benefits, and impact of forest landscape restoration (FLR).
Samir Gonçalves Rolim, Fátima C. M. Piña-Rodrigues... October 2019
Research Gaps and Priorities in Silviculture of Native Species in Brazil
The development of native species silviculture is imperative to promote the forestry sector in Brazil and help the country to achieve its NDC (Nationally Determined Contribution) to the Paris Agreement. A pre-competitive Research & Development (R&D) Platform needs to be built in order to boost the sector. This working paper describes four investment scenarios to establish an R&D Platform based on native species from the Amazon and Atlantic Forest biomes of Brazil. Some of the main findings include: (1) based on the four investment scenarios, investments from USD 3.79 (BRL 14.6) to USD 7.30 (BRL 28.1) million may be required, which represents less than 0.05% of Brazilian investment in R&D, and (2) an area as small as 10,000 hectares would already justify an investment in the R&D Platform. One of the proposed investment scenarios showed a return of USD 2.39 in benefits for each USD 1 invested in R&D.
Rachel Bass, Peter Murphy, Hannah Dithrich... April 2019
Scaling Impact Investment in Forestry
Scaling Impact Investment in Forestry assesses asset owners’ motivations and needs when investing in sustainable and impact forestry, a sector which offers both the commercial viability and the scale necessary to stem the effects of climate change. The report also describes the key features, revenue sources, and drivers of risk for asset managers active in the sector. Findings are based on 24 interviews with asset owners, asset managers, and intermediaries as well as a database of 39 sustainable and impact forestry funds. The report features five in-depth profiles that illustrate investors’ different strategies for generating revenues, such as sales of timber, carbon offsets, and other forest products and leasing and sales of land. Additionally, the report elevates five concrete opportunities to scale and strengthen the sustainable and impact forestry market going forward.
CSF and WWF... March 2019
Forest restoration business analysis in Amazonas state, Brazil
CSF-Brazil, in partnership with the World Wildlife Fund (WWF-Brazil), conducted a feasibility study of economically promising forest restoration business models for private investment in southern Amazonas (AM) state, Brazil.
Sofia Faruqi, Andrew Wu, Andrés Anchondo Ortega, A... January 2018
The Business of Planting Trees: A Growing Investment Opportunity
In recent years, hundreds of companies have entered the restoration industry. They represent a wide range of business models that deliver financial returns for investors while restoring forests and agricultural lands.
Helen Ding, Sofia Faruqi, Andrew Wu, Juan-Carlos A... December 2017
Roots of Prosperity: The Economics and Finance of Restoring Land
This report provides a comprehensive analysis of the benefits and costs of restoring forests and landscapes in countries around the world
Walter Vergara, Luciana Gallardo Lomeli, Ana R. Ri... November 2018
The Economic Case for Landscape Restoration in Latin America
Degraded lands—lands that have lost some degree of their natural productivity through human activity—account for over 20 percent of forest and agricultural lands in Latin America and the Caribbean
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